Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nostalgia: Did you know that the brothers from The Adventures of Pete & Pete have a podcast?

source:  bigdamngeeks.com

One of my friends posted this a few months ago on Facebook. 

Like many people of my age group, I grew up watching The Adventures of Pete & Pete on Nickelodeon.  I always liked the weirdness and earnestness of the show, all the famous rock musicians that appeared, and that both Petes reminded me of my brother Pete. 

I've always wondered what happened to the actors who played Pete and Pete.  I've seen Big Pete pop up in a commercial here and there, and Little Pete used to appear on other Nickelodeon shows.  Then I didn't have to worry anymore, because a friend shared that they had a new podcast called The Adventures of Danny and Mike.  The Petes are grown up, still friends, and living in New York.  They're now going on adventures around town, talking about their day-to-day lives, and interviewing comedians and musicians. 

I love hearing that they not only landed on their feet, but that they're still friends and had a lot of crazy stories from growing up on a Nickelodeon lot, their early and late 20's adventures, and their regular day-to-day lives.  Sadly this podcast is only once a month, because I'd listen to it on a weekly basis.

If you grew up watching the show, you should definitely check it out.  It's a very nostalgic and funny hour every month.

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